Saturday, May 28, 2011

Natural Woman (6)

I did bantu knots for the first time this week. The first time I did it, it was only to see what the hoopla was about. The next morning I was so happy with how they turned out, I couldn't wait to wash my hair and actually wear them out. So after I deep conditioned my hair, I re-did them and they turned out lovely. I've been getting nice compliments. :)
Almost 3 months without a perm. I'm so excited about this new journey!

Classes start Wednesday. Not really excited about it especially after being a lazy bum all of May. I'm just ready to graduate, I'm 22 hours away from graduation!!

My goalS for June= thrifting and working out. Excited about both.
I also need to figure out what I really want to do with this blog. I have some ideas... We shall see.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

80s (5)

There was a 227 marathon on today (well yesterday) and I was shocked to see how fashionable the ladies were on just about every episode... especially Jackée Harry, she was the flyest of them all..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

...If I had a fairy godmother... (4)

whenever I get some money, I will own some of these... :/

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Just because I miss him.
...maybe this is why Frank Ocean's Ready is on repeat.

Friday, May 13, 2011

If You Think You're Lonely Now... (2)

Listening: Frank Ocean-Swim Good
Mood: Blah

One of the worst feelings in the world is having so much to say and nobody to say it to... feeling like your whole world is tumbling down and nobody to walk with you...

this too shall pass.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Attempt 100 (1)

Ok, here I go again. I'm going to try to keep this blog updated. Every time I attempt a blog, I always end up not updating it. This summer looks like it will allow for me to keep this updated so we shall see.